My Career Story with Rachel Elnar, Sr. Creative Producer at Adobe

You won’t want to miss this episode! Grab a drink, take 10 minutes, as we explore the incredible career journey of Racheal Elnar, interviewed by our very own Anita Howard.

After earning a degree in drawing and painting, Racheal seamlessly transitioned into graphic and web design, staying true to her creative roots. Upon graduating, she recognized the need to rebuild her network and resources, leading her to join AIGA. This move significantly expanded her professional connections and introduced her to impactful events. Discover how these experiences catapulted her career, highlighting the essential role of networking and webinars in professional growth.

Join us as we delve into digital events and their inclusivity, share valuable career advice, and emphasize the power of networking. Learn how building your network can truly build your net worth. This episode is brimming with insights and inspiration for anyone looking to advance their career in the digital age.

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